
Allergy relief with Chinese Medicine

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Chinese medicine treats the various symptoms of allergies effectively. The beauty of Chinese medicine is that we treat the underlying issue that makes the internal environment susceptible. There are usually underlying reasons why a person has sensitivity to foods, dust, pollen or changes in climate and environment. During your visit, these imbalances will be ascertained and treated accordingly.

Humans interact with their environment daily, maintaining a delicate balance. When abrupt weather changes happen, for example, the Santa Ana weather pattern we experience here in San Diego in the fall, it creates a disharmony between our internal environment and the exterior. The result is a reaction of our defensive qi, which gives rise to allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat and eyes. Our system is trying to balance against the sudden drop in atmospheric pressure, dryness and wind.

Chinese herbs work wonders to alleviate allergy symptoms by harmonizing the exterior and interior and supporting the defensive qi. This works as well as any over the counter medication on the market, without side effects. Many of my patients have been amazed at how good they feel. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are great ways to boost your immune system and avoid having to take allergy medication on a regular basis.

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