
Balancing Your Bowels: Understanding and Treating Constipation with Chinese Medicine

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Mark Peery Images

Understanding and Managing Constipation with Chinese Medicine

Do you experience:

- Bowels move irregularly, every other day perhaps

- Bowel movements feel incomplete and difficult to empty all the way

-You feel full and stagnant, bloated or gassy

- Abdominal pain or cramping

Constipation varies greatly from one person to the next, and can get uncomfortable and painful.  Chinese Medicine offers effective relief and promotes regular bowel movements.  Reach for Chinese Herbal Medicine when your digestion is sluggish and needs a boost.  I can help get ‘er Movin’!  

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation is characterized by infrequent or difficult bowel movements. It can result from various factors, including:

- Dietary habits: Low fiber intake and inadequate hydration.

- Stress and anxiety: Affecting gut motility.

- Medications: Certain drugs can slow down bowel function.

- Hormonal changes: Particularly in women, hormonal fluctuations can impact digestion.

Why OTC methods don’t work long term

Shit’s not right.  In general, many experience digestive irregularity from childhood.  Look at how many products are on the shelf for moving your bowels.  For repairing your microbiome and fixing the bloating and sluggishness. SO MANY...  A colon flush from the local health food market or vitamin store may help clear you out temporarily.  We become quite dependent on them, but…In the long run, the digestive problems remain chronic and ongoing, because the root cause remains.  And this is where Chinese Medicine is fantastic.  

Not everyone needs a detox. I made a video explaining detox and why its not always a good idea here

How Chinese Medicine Views Constipation

In Chinese Medicine, constipation is often linked to imbalances in the body's Qi, blood, and fluids:

- Qi Stagnation: Stress or emotional turmoil can block the smooth flow of Qi, leading to constipation.

- Heat Accumulation: Excess heat in the intestines can dry out the stool, making it difficult to pass.

- Deficiency: A lack of Qi, blood, or yin can result in weakened bowel function and dry stools.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Constipation

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for constipation, offering several benefits:

- Regulating Qi Flow: Stimulating specific points can unblock stagnant Qi and promote regular bowel movements.

- Balancing Internal Heat: Acupuncture helps reduce internal heat, alleviating dry stool issues.

- Enhancing Digestion: By harmonizing the digestive system, acupuncture can improve overall gut health and function.

Customized herbal formulas combine botanicals to effectively  treat constipation.

Integrating Chinese Medicine into Daily Life

To effectively manage constipation, consider the following integrative approach:

1. Regular Acupuncture Sessions: Maintain Qi balance and support bowel function with regular treatments.

2. Herbal Medicine: Work with me to develop a personalized herbal regimen

3. Dietary Adjustments: Follow dietary recommendations based on Chinese medicine principles.  These are simple and easy to follow.  

4. Mind-Body Practices: Incorporate Qi Gong, Tai Chi, meditation, and deep breathing into your daily routine.

Chinese Medicine offers a holistic and effective approach to managing constipation.  It’s easy to use and accessible.  Book your first free telemedicine consult here.  

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