
Treating PTSD with Chinese Medicine

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PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, is experienced by many. It can take many forms, and is coming to light recently as a condition that requires special attention. Chinese Medicine treats the symptoms and manifestations of PTSD very effectively.

PTSD can be suffered by people of all walks of life. PTSD occurs as a response to traumatic incidents and/or stressful periods in life such as divorce, moving or loss of loved ones. Someone may suffer from PTSD and not know. In fact, the grouping of symptoms that make up PTSD is wide and variable in each person and often is mistaken for other psychological or psychiatric conditions.

Do you or someone you love have PTSD?

The symptoms are similar to depression, and involve flashbacks and triggers that remind people of the traumatic event. Many of our war veterans suffer from PTSD, which can destroy their ability to reintegrate back into their daily life. There is much we can do to help.

Below are some of the symptoms/signs:

Feeling upset by things that remind you of what happened/past experiences

Having nightmares, vivid memories, or flashbacks of the event that make you feel like it's happening all over again

Feeling emotionally cut off from others

Feeling numb or losing interest in things you used to care about

Becoming depressed

Thinking that you are always in danger/unsafe/threatened

Feeling anxious, jittery, or irritated

Experiencing a sense of panic that something bad is about to happen

Having difficulty sleeping

Having trouble keeping your mind on one thing

Having a hard time relating to and getting along with your spouse, family, or friends

Chinese Medicine is superb in treating PTSD. Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture relieve stress and help recovery. Frequently patients will come in for treatment once a week, and if necessary, a few times a week for ear acupuncture. The extra ear treatment is a special point combination to eliminate stress and help the treatments efficacy. The ear treatments can be done anywhere and often the patient receives them sitting in a comfortable chair in my waiting area.

If you or someone you know and love suffers from PTSD, please let them know there are solutions.